Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A new beginning

Before I 'introduce myself' via words I would like to thank my family and friends for their words of encouragement. My dear and wonderful husband has been my rock through out this process and my friends who have offered their beautiful children for practice shoots!

I have always had an obsession with photographs. When I was younger my grandfather always had the newest Polaroid camera and you can guess that I was always using his film. Once I was old enough my parents bought me disposables and when I hit high school my Nanny bought me my first digital.

I knew that I had an obsession, but I never knew it would develop into a passion.

Once I had my oldest son I knew that photography was something that I eventually wanted to pursue. I was taking close to 2,000 pictures of him monthly. When my second little one came around I was a little more advanced {as was my equipment}. My youngest is when I really started getting into the composition part of photography.

While I am still wet behind the ears I feel I have a great eye for capturing special moments and beautiful memories and with time and practice my work will only improve!

I can't wait to begin this exciting new chapter in my life!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to follow your career. You take AMAZING pictures.
